Byte Code Creation rc.exe -b filename.ext (rapidq code file) Rq_Execc requires Rapidq32.dll Files: allcmds.rqb - shows a messagebox list of all commands allcmdz.rqb - shows a messagebox for each command rq_exec.rqb - modified file of same name to accept command parameters. Compiled .exe size=154kb rq_execc.rqb - added registry options. Compiled .exe size=225Kb rq_execc_test.bat - batch file to run rq_execc with parameters Modifications: fixed rq_exec.rqb to omit .bc files as command$(1) and store other parameters Added un/register option to Rq_Execc.rqb courtesy of Rapid-Q_Boosta.rqb Credit to: Gerome GUILLEMIN: Rapid-Q Boosta ( for registry routines unlimited command line string rq_exec.rqb- currently unknown.