Mx = val( Edit1.text ) My = val( Edit2.text ) ray = val( Edit3.text ) maxX = canvas1.width maxY = canvas1.height noir = rgb( 0 , 0 , 0 ) blanc = rgb( 255,255,255 ) if checkbox1.checked then checkbox1.checked = 0 canvas1.fillrect( 0 , 0 , maxX , maxY , noir ) end if inker = panel1.color if radiobutton1.checked then for x = Mx - Ray to Mx + Ray for y = My - Ray to My + Ray gosub Point_Here next next end if if radiobutton2.checked then for x = Mx - Ray to Mx + Ray for y = My - Ray to My + Ray dx = x - Mx dy = y - My hypo = sqr( dx*dx + dy*dy ) if hypo <= Ray then gosub Point_Here end if next next end if if radiobutton3.checked then Haut = val( Edit9.text ) for y2 = 0 to Haut for x = Mx - y2 to Mx + y2 y = My + y2 gosub Point_Here next next end if if radiobutton4.checked then x = Mx y = My gosub Point_Here end if goto ENDING Point_Here: if checkbox2.checked then zx = x zy = y gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox3.checked then zx = MaxX - x zy = y gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox4.checked then zx = x zy = MaxY - y gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox5.checked then zx = MaxX - x zy = MaxY - y gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox6.checked then zx = y zy = x gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox7.checked then zx = MaxX - y zy = x gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox8.checked then zx = y zy = MaxY - x gosub Draw_Here end if if checkbox9.checked then zx = MaxX - y zy = MaxY - x gosub Draw_Here end if return Draw_Here: canvas1.pset( zx , zy , inker ) return ENDING: