- Bug reports
1. ColumnsCount INTEGER (Bug - always  -1)
OnColumnClick SUB (Column%) Column header was clicked
This sub is bugly!  Always return 0 in Column%  See example2 to solve this problem

'Could someone explain me this one ?
dim form as qform
dim edit(1) as qedit
for i = 0 to 2
edit(i).left = 10
edit(i).parent = form
edit(i).top = (40 * i)
edit(i).text = "Edit_" + str$(i)
'So, when I say:
'Dim edit(1) as qedit
'I make an array of QEDITs with 2 elements:

'Isn't it ? But why can I make Edit(2) too ?  
'Note: if you write for i = 0 to 3
'you'll get an access violation....
'where's the trick ?!?!?
'Trenchtownman <>

You are very right. I have tried you example with 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Each time, rapidQ creates one more instance than asked (ie it seems
taht when you "dim edit(x)", rapidQ creates instances from 0 to x+1).
Very curious, indeed !?
Pascal Delcombel <>

RAPIDQ dont like comments on line containing "\\" or "\", compiler reports
an error and there is none. Juste remove the comment and then it will works.


 Subs and functions

1.  UBOUND/LBOUND not works properly with array passed in
function as parameter.
Always return UBOUND/LBOUND of first Dimmed array.  (
Example 1a)
But in 
SUB it's all right! (Example 1b)

Example 1a **************************************************

function ArrBug (D!() as single ) as single
    defint MaxE=0,MinE=0, p
    MaxE = UBOUND(D!): print "in function MaxE=" ,MaxE
    MinE = LBOUND(D!):  print "in function MinE=" ,MinE
END function '--- --------------------------------------'  

defint MaxEl=0,MinEl=0, p

DefSng dateTime(1 To 5) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

MaxEl = UBOUND(dateTime): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl
MinEl = LBOUND(dateTime): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl
print "  "
FOR p = MinEl TO MaxEl:print "dateTime(",p,")=",dateTime(p)  : NEXT p

print "---"

DefSng dT(4 To 8) = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 31, 41, 51, 21, 23, 24, 25, 22, 32, 42, 52, 32, 33, 44, 45, 42, 43, 46, 56, 27, 73, 74, 75, 72, 83, 84, 85, 82, 83, 84, 85}

MaxEl = UBOUND(dT): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl
MinEl = LBOUND(dT): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl
FOR p = MinEl TO
12  :print "dT(",p,")=",dT(p)  : NEXT p

DefSng arg23!(0 to 9) ={10, -100, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
print "---"

MaxEl = UBOUND(arg23!): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl
MinEl = LBOUND(arg23!): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl
FOR p = MinEl TO MaxEl:print "arg23!(",p,")=",arg23!(p)  : NEXT p

a= ArrBug (dateTime)
call ArrBug arg23!() 
call ArrBug (dT )

Example 1b  ************************

sub ArrBug (D!() as single )
    defint MaxE=0,MinE=0, p
    MaxE = UBOUND(D!): print "in function MaxE=" ,MaxE
    MinE = LBOUND(D!):  print "in function MinE=" ,MinE
END sub '--- --------------------------------------'   

defint MaxEl=0,MinEl=0, p
DefSng dateTime(1 To 5) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
MaxEl = UBOUND(dateTime): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl
MinEl = LBOUND(dateTime): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl
print "---"

DefSng dT(4 To 8) = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 31, 41, 51, 21}
MaxEl = UBOUND(dT): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl :
MinEl = LBOUND(dT): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl

DefSng arg23!(0 to 9) ={10, -100, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
print "---"
MaxEl = UBOUND(arg23!): print "MaxEl=" ,MaxEl :
MinEl = LBOUND(arg23!): print "MinEl=" ,MinEl

call ArrBug dateTime
ArrBug (dT )
ArrBug arg23!() 

1.  Not testing  out of range array Index.  (
Example 2)

Example 2 ******************************************************

print "dateTime1(7000000)=",dateTime1(7000000)