WIN32API RapidQ $Includes -- Release Version 2 -- This is a set of includes for RapidQ ( containing various WIN32 API functions adapted by Bryn Mosher ( Use and modify the files at your own risk/leisure. -- Status 6/25/2k -- - Many functions added! Browse the file for the examples. I am using a standard format for coding this, so if you want to add, try to use the format to comply with the ... - NEW FUNCTION BROWSER(NamesAndDocs.EXE)!!! The source is included. You can use this to see what functions are in the include files (sorry, no SUB support yet). This is a beta version. You have been warned. - You can now download these at . - Check for renamed functions! All wrapper functions that return strings are now named after what they wrap with "$" added (i.e.: UserName$ is now GetUserName$). This will make it easy on those used to using the API outside of RapidQ. -- Files in this Release Version -- ADVAPI32.INC - Advanced API Functions @ \EXAMPLES\*.* - Examples of some functions and the NamesAndDocs.bas source code. KERNEL32.INC - Kernel functions @ NAMESANDDOCS.EXE - Function browser NOTA.INC - My own home network functions (see note below) README_WIN32API_$INCLUDES.TXT - Your in trouble if you don't know what this is. SHELL32.INC - Shell (GUI) Functions @ USER32.INC - User Functions @ WINDOWSAPI.INC - A wrapper include. This will load the rest except WINMM.INC - *Windows Multimedia functions @ -- Usage -- Use the following line at the begining of your program code to load all of the WIN32 API includes: $Include "" Each include file noted with @ (splat) above represents a .DLL in your system directory. If you only want access to one of those at a time, just include it's file. For Example: $Include "" 'Only encompasses kernel32.dll functions If you don't know what a function does, search for the name of the function at or your favorite Windows API website. The documentation for each function is not part of the includes. This is a project in progress, so don't expect everything to work. Some entries are there, but have yet to be adapted to RapidQ's VarPtr() methods to get good return values. -- NOTE -- The file NOTA.Inc is my home network include. It has my own functions and some handy wrappers to API calls. If you include, include first to avoid missing function errors. For example: $Include "RapidQ.Inc" $Include "" $Include "" -- Old Status Updates -- Status 6/18/2k: The project started yesterday. The majority of the functions are those that don't get any variables passed to them (all of the Get... ones like that are in there though). More complete functions will be added at random intervals.