Getting started
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Installation :
- First option : execute QChartist_install.exe which will download the software and unrar it in C:\QChartist automatically
- Second option : download QChartist.rar and unrar it manually in C:\QChartist
Then run update.exe ; recompile with QTStart.bat (compilation can take a few minutes.)
Finally run QChartist.Exe to start the program.

Use QChartist.exe to start the program.
Use update.exe to upgrade the program to the last build (means many new functionalities).
Use QTStart.bat to recompile the program if you modified the source code or ran update.
Use QTGen.exe to open the assistant for new indicator creation. (See How to create a new indicator for more details)
Use JFE IDLE to edit sources files
Use QTGuard.exe to start the expert (automated analysis scanner) (you need an Internet connexion)