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QTGuard is a small program intended to supervise QChartist when it works under "auto-pilot" mode (automated analysis or expert advisor mode). Its role is to detect when QChartist freezes, crashs, and/or doesn't respond any longer. If QChartist crashs, QTGuard will kill its process and restart the program the way the "auto-pilot" can continue its job.

- QTGuard permits to emit sound alert if QChartist crashs or run
How the guard works?
QChartist saves current timestamp into alive.log at regular intervals
When you start the timer:
QTGuard reads alive.log periodically and compares its value to the current timestamp
If the gap is too important, QTGuard kills QChartist and restart it and emits sound

See readme.txt in the docs folder for more info

pkill and QCKill
pkill is a Linux command to kill process by its name
QCKill is a Windows command to kill QChartist.Exe

For Linux Wine users:
In order to know if you have to use pkill or QCKill method in QTGuard,
Choose "Use pkill (method 1) first"
Click on "start timer" and click on "start expert"
wait a few seconds, QChartist will start automatically and begin to scan tickers
In QChartist click on the "Stop" button in the top right corner
Wait 1 or 2 minutes, QTGuard will try to kill QChartist and restart it (with pkill method 1)
If QTGuard does not manage to kill QChartist before restarting
In QTGuard, click on "stop timer" and "stop expert"
Close QChartist manually
Try the "Use QCKill (method 2) in QTGuard GUI
Click on "start timer" and click on "start expert"
wait a few seconds, QChartist will start automatically and begin to scan tickers
In QChartist click on the "Stop" button in the top right corner
Wait 1 or 2 minutes, QTGuard will try to kill QChartist and restart it (with QCKill method 2)

Under Windows, pkill method 1 or QCKill method 2 is the same and it doesn't matter whatever you use method 1 or 2