Get real time #market #Yahoo #Finance #charts on your rooted #Android device.
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These python scripts plot real live market charts from Yahoo Finance historical data source in the terminal.
This also works on Android devices with Termux. Now you can display your favorite charts everywhere!
Programmed by Julien Moog at the end of november 2021.
Enjoy and happy trading!

Usage instructions:
./ [Symbol] [Y scale ratio] [Number of points-bars] [Timeframe]
Valid Timeframe: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 1d 1wk 1mo
Example: ./ MSFT 2 99 1h
Rooted Android installation:
- install termux from Google Play
- open termux
- "apt update"
- "pkg install wget"
- "wget"
- "su"
- "chmod 777 *"
- "exit"
- "unzip"
- "su"
- "chmod 777 *"
- "exit"
- "pkg install clang"
- "pkg install boost"
- "clang++ yf.cpp -o yf"
- "su"
- "chmod 777 *"
- "exit"
- "pkg install python"
- "pip install drawille"
- "apt install gnuplot"
- Let's try with Bitcoin: "./"